
The full program is now available as PDF.

Please note that you will get a printed copy of this PDF at the workshop.

Day 1 – Wednesday, January 21, 2015
8:20 Transfer to Workshop Location (VaMoS Cab-Shuttle)
8:30 Registration Opens
9:00 – 9:15 The Organizers. Welcome & Opening Session.
9:15 – 10:30 Keynote: Stefan Kuntz. Variability Modeling in the Automotive Domain.
Chair: Johannes Müller
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30 Paper Session: “Code Quality” Chair: Christian Bucholdt
Wolfram Fenske and Sandro Schulze. Code Smells Revisited: A Variability Perspective.
Discussant: Daniela Lettner
Daniela Lettner and Paul Grünbacher. Using Feature Feeds to Improve Developer Awareness in Software Ecosystem Evolution.
Discussant: Wolfram Fenske
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:30 Paper Session: “Documentation” Chair: Rick Rabiser
Christian Bucholdt and Max Lillack. Documentation of Recovered Architecture for Variability in Legacy Generator Systems.
Discussant: Sebastian Krieter
Sebastian Krieter, Reimar Schröter, Wolfram Fenske and Gunter Saake. Use-Case-Specific Source Code Documentation for Feature-Oriented Programming.
Discussant: Christian Bucholdt
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:30 Paper Session: “Runtime” Chair: Mattias Nyberg
Rick Rabiser, Michael Vierhauser and Paul Grünbacher. Variability Management for a Runtime Monitoring Infrastructure.
Discussant: Rafael Capilla
Rafael Capilla, Mike Hinchey and Francisco Diaz. Collaborative Context Features for Critical Systems.
Discussant: Rick Rabiser
17:45 Transfer to Downtown Hildesheim (VaMoS Cab-Shuttle)
19:00 Social Event (Guided Tour in the Roemer- und Pelizaeus Musuem)


Day 2 – Thursday, January 22, 2015
8:30 Transfer to Workshop Location (VaMoS Cab-Shuttle)
9:00 – 10:30 Keynote: Jean-Marc Jézéquel. Some Issues in Product Line Engineering of Language Families.
Chair: Østein Haugen
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30 Paper Session: “Configuration” Chair: Sandro Schulze
Alexander Felfernig, Stefan Reiterer, Martin Stettinger and Juha Tiihonen. Intelligent Techniques for Configuration Knowledge Evolution.
Discussant: Xavier Devroey
Xavier Devroey, Gilles Perrouin, Axel Legay, Pierre-Yves Schobbens and Patrick Heymans. Covering SPL Behaviour with Sampled Configurations: An Initial Assessment.
Discussant: Mustafa Özpinar
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:30 Paper Session: “Requirements” Chair: Gilles Perrouin
Larissa Soares, Ivan Machado and Eduardo Almeida. Non-Functional Properties in Software Product Lines: A Reuse Approach.
Discussant: Emanuel Mätzler
Emanuel Mätzler, Bernhard Wally and Alexandra Mazak. A Common Home for Features and Requirements: Retrofitting the House of Quality with Feature Models.
Discussant: Larissa Soares
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:30 Paper Session: “Verification” Chair: [TBD]
Fabian Benduhn, Thomas Thüm, Malte Lochau, Thomas Leich and Gunter Saake. A Survey on Modeling Techniques for Formal Behavioral Verification of Software Product Lines.
Discussant: Joyce El Haddad
Nadia Gamez, Joyce El Haddad and Lidia Fuentes. Managing the Variability in the Transactional Services Selection.
Discussant: Fabian Benduhn
17:45 Transfer to Downtown Hildesheim (VaMoS Cab-Shuttle)
19:00 Social Event (Dinner at hotel Van der Valk)


Day 3 – Friday, January 23, 2015
8:30 Transfer to Workshop Location (VaMoS Cab-Shuttle)
09:00 – 10:30 Paper Session: “Reverse Engineering” Chair: Alexander Felfernig
Guillaume Bécan, Mathieu Acher, Jean-Marc Jézéquel and Thomas Menguy. On the Variability Secrets of an Online Video Generator.
Discussant: Jens Weber
Jens Weber, Anita Katahoire and Morgan Price. Uncovering Variability Models for Software Ecosystems from Multi-Repository Structures.
Discussant: Guillaume Bécan
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30 Paper Session: “Comprehension” Chair: Rafael Capilla
Jürgen Ommen and Georg Rock. Visualization of Variability in Complex Development Structures.
Discussant: Alexander Felfernig
Alexander Felfernig, Stefan Reiterer, Martin Stettinger and Juha Tiihonen. Towards Understanding Cognitive Aspects in the Formalization of Configuration Knowledge.
Discussant: Jürgen Ommen
12:30 – 12:45 The Organizers. Closing Session.